The objectives and purpose of the Combat Support Association are:
* To promote and maintain the welfare and benefit of members, ex members of the Australian Defence Force and their dependants and other persons approved under the Associations Rules to be members of the Association.
* To render unswerving loyalty to Australia, its system of Government and its institutions.
* To honour and preserve the memory of comrades who have died.
* To provide employment support and advice to members of the Association.
The Combat Support Association formed in 2008 with the founding membership comprised predominantly of Air Force Combat Support Group personnel. The Association is open to all Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel who served the nation in the various combat support roles on operational service or within Australia.
The Associations membership is drawn from all ranks, employment types and comprises the diverse combat support services provided within the ADF. These services include, but are not limited to, administration, security, logistics, engineering, movements, catering, firefighting, health, and maintenance, reflecting the diverse nature of combat support services.
Members of the association can be either of ordinary and honorary members. Ordinary members are any serving or ex serving members of the ADF or their dependents with an interest in combat support services, or any person who has served in a foreign Defence Force allied with Australia and who has an interest in supporting the association meet our purpose and objectives.
Honorary members shall comprise of any person of good character who has an interest in supporting the association meet our purpose and objectives.
The membership year runs from the 01 January to the 31 December. As part of the membership, electronic copies of Association updates, Minutes of General Meetings and a quarterly newsletter “Combat Supporter” will be sent. In addition to updates and flyers posted to the association webpage.
All members should attend at least two of the four associations general meetings held throughout the year and the Annual General Meeting. The general meetings are augmented by a minimum of two social functions, generally held in the months of April and December.
The completed membership application should be returned to the Honorary Secretary with a cheque or money order made out to “Combat Support Association Inc” or Electronic Funds Transfer direct into the Association’s bank account which is available on request. The Honorary Secretary will arrange a proposer and seconder for your membership application and contact you once the membership application has been processed.
Dave Pepper
Honorary Secretary
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